周春来,副教授,硕士生导师。2007年8月毕业于美国印第安那大学(indiana university, bloomington), 获应用数学博士学位(辅修计算机科学)。曾在阿姆斯特丹大学获得理学硕士学位。目前主要研究领域是人工智能不确定性和数据科学方面的隐私计算(主要是差分隐私)。在哈佛大学做长期(1年)公派访问学者,在德国多特蒙德大学计算机系,澳大利亚国立大学计算机实验室和悉尼科技大学量子计算研究中心做短期(1-6个月)访问学者。
理学博士, 2007年,美国印第安纳大学(布鲁明顿)
目前主要是数据科学中的隐私计算和深度学习不确定性。 大的研究方向是人工智能基础, 具体有
(3)教育部留学回国基金 《面向安全协议的pi演算》(主持2012年)
(6)973项目:海量弱可用信息上知识发现、演化与服务的理论和技术研究 (参与)
(7)国家自然科学基金面上项目: 《移动情景感知系统的实时性和可靠性》(参与)
(11)智能系统主题大项目:大数据环境下安全社会决策研究 (主持2019年12-2022)(120万)
(1)q. li, c.zhou*,b. qin,z. xu, local differential privacy for belief functions, aaai-2022, vancouver (ccf a)
(2)王守会,覃飙,周春来,肖克晶:视觉问答综述,软件学报(journal of software),2021 (ccf a中文)
(3)zhiqiang xu, yiping ke, xin cao, chunlai zhou, pengfei wei, xin gao: a unified linear convergence analysis of k-svd, memetic computing,343-353,12(4),2020
(4)c.zhou,b. qin,d.li,z.xu,x.du, basic utility theory for belief functions, the 24th european conf. artificial intelligence (ecai19) (ccf b)
(5) c. zhou, b.qin, x. du, a savage-style untility theory for belief functions, the 27th international joint conference on artificial intelligence(ijcai-18), 2017 (ccf a)
(6) c. zhou, b. qin, x. du, platos cave in the dempster-shafer land, the 26th international joint conference on artificial intelligence(ijcai-17), 2017 (oral). (ccf a)
(7) c. zhou, f.cuzzolin, the total belief theorem, the 33rd conference on uncertainty in artificial intelligence (uai2017), 2017. (ccf b)
(8) c. zhou, y. feng, extending transferable belief models with probabilistic priors,the 31st conference on uncertainty in artificial intelligence (uai2015), 2015 (plenary talk). (ccf b)
(9) c. zhou, m. wang,b. qin, belief-kinematics jeffreys rule in the theory of evidence,the 30th conference on uncertainty in artificial intelligence (uai2014), 2014.(ccf b)
(10) c. zhou, probability logic of harsanyi type spaces, logical methods in computer science, pp. 1-35, 10(2), 2014. (ccf c)
(11) c. zhou, belief functions on distributive lattices, artificial intelligence journal, 201:1-31, 2013. (ccf a)
(12) c. zhou: approximating bisimilarity for markov processes. mathematical foundations of programming semantics 2013: 427-440.
(13) c. zhou, m. ying, approximating markov processes through filtration, theoretical computer sciences, 446: 75-97, 2012. (ccf b)
(14) c. zhou, belief functions on distributive lattices, the 26th aaai conference on artificial intelligence (aaai12), 2012. (ccf a)
-国际计算机科学理论期刊aij, tai, geb, ijar, lmcs, jlap, jlc, iukm, information sciences审稿人
-国际计算机科学会议程序委员会委员: ijcai2016-2020,22, aaai,csl, icalp,ksem, nips, icml,m2017-2022, qest,esqru,ictai, concurr, mfcs,aaai2019-2022,
-zentralblatt math, math review评论员
(4)william b. wilcox mathematics award from indiana university (in recoganization of outstanding performance in graduate studies and in expectation of continued academic success in future)