美国北卡罗来纳州立大学计算机科学系 访问学者 (合作教授: prof. munindar p. singh)
• 基于环境知识的主动web服务组合研究,国家自然科学基金青年科学基金项目(编号:61003084),主持
• 领域本体的个性化管理关键技术研究,数据工程与知识工程教育部重点实验室(中国人民大学)开放课题 (编号:kf2009004) ,主持
• 基于环境本体的web服务动态组合研究,中国人民大学科学研究基金 (编号:22382075) ,主持
• 海量弱可用信息上知识发现、演化与服务的理论和技术研究,国家973计划(编号:2012cb316205),学术骨干
• puwei wang, zhouxing sun, rui li, jinchuan chen, ping gong, xiaoyong du, an efficient customized blockchain system for inter-organizational processes, ieee international conference on web services (icws), 2023 (ccf b) best paper award
• puwei wang, zhouxing sun, ying zhan, haoran li, xiaoyong du, marginal value-based edge resource pricing and allocation for deadline-sensitive tasks, ieee conference on computer communications (infocom), 2023 (ccf a)
• hang fu, puwei wang, haoran li, ying zhan, jinchuan chen, xiaoyong du, a multiple-blockchains based service monitoring framework in edge-cloud computing, ieee international conference on data, information, knowledge and wisdom (dikw), pages 2111-2117, 2021, outstanding paper award
• 陈晋川,夏华辉,王璞巍等,基于纳什均衡的智能合约缺陷检测,计算机学报,2020,通讯作者
• puwei wang, ji meng, jinchuan chen, et al., smart-contract based negotiation for adaptive qos-aware service composition, ieee transactions on parallel and distributed systems (tpds), vol.30, no.6, pages 1403-1420, 2019 (ccf a)
• puwei wang, xiaoyong du, qos-aware service selection using an incentive mechanism, ieee transactions on services computing (tsc), vol.12, no.2, pages 262-275, march-april 1, 2019 (ccf a)
• 王璞巍,杨航天,孟佶等, 面向合同的智能合约的形式化定义及参考实现, 软件学报, 30(9):2608-2619, 2019
• puwei wang, xiaohe liu, jinchuan chen, et al., poster: qos-aware service composition using blockchain-based smart contracts, international conference on software engineering (icse), poster track, 2018 (ccf a)
• bofang li, tao liu, zhe zhao, puwei wang (通信作者), xiaoyong du, neural bag-of-ngrams, aaai conference on artificial intelligence (aaai), pages 3067-3074, 2017 (ccf a)
• puwei wang, ying zhan, tao liu, xiaoyong du, qos-aware service composition for service-based systems using multi-round vickery auction, ieee international conference on systems, man, and cybernetics (smc), pages 2891-2896, 2017 (ccf c)
• puwei wang, tao liu, ying zhan, xiaoyong du, a bayesian nash equilibrium of qos-aware web service composition, ieee international conference on web services (icws), pages 676-683, 2017 (ccf b)
• bofang li, tao liu, zhe zhao, puwei wang (通信作者), xiaoyong du, weighted neural bag-of-n-grams model: new baselines for text classification, international conference on computational linguistics (coling), pages 1591-1600, 2016 (ccf b)
• puwei wang, anup k. kalia, munindar p. singh, predicting service price for game-theoretic qos-aware service selection, international journal of services computing (ijsc), vol.4, no.4, pages 1-17, october-december 2016
• puwei wang, anup k. kalia, munindar p. singh, a collaborative approach to predicting service price for qos-aware service selection, ieee international conference on web services (icws), pages 33-40, 2015 (ccf b)
• puwei wang, xiaoyong du, an incentive mechanism for game-based qos-aware service selection, international conference on service-oriented computing (icsoc), pages 491-498, 2013 (ccf b)
• puwei wang, zhi jin, hongyan liu, capability description and discovery of internetware entity, science china: information sciences, vol.53, no.4, pages 685-703, 2010 (ccf a)
• puwei wang, zhi jin, ling liu, budan wu, specifying and composing web services with an environment ontology-based approach, international journal of web services research (jwsr) vol.7, no.3, pages 73-92, 2010 (sci期刊)
• puwei wang, zhi jin, lin liu, et al., building toward capability specifications of web services based on an environment ontology, ieee transactions on knowledge and data engineering (tkde), vol.40, no.4, pages 547-561, 2008 (ccf a)
• puwei wang, zhi jin, lin liu, an approach for specifying capability of web services based on environment ontology, ieee international conference on web services (icws), pages 365-372, 2006 (ccf b)
多个国际会议程序委员会委员 (icws和cloud等)
ieee transactions on services computing (tsc), ieee transactions on software engineering (tse),以及计算机学报、计算机研究与发展等期刊 审稿人
icws 2023 best paper award(第一作者)
dikw 2021 outstanding paper award(第一教师作者)
中国人民大学 2018年 十佳班主任
中国人民大学 2020年、2021年 优秀班主任
中国人民大学 2020年 本科课程教学优秀奖
中国人民大学信息学院 2018年 优秀教工党员
中国科学院研究生院 优秀毕业生