另一方面研究人工智能在大数据分析(包括因果分析)中的应用。与国际上多位著名教授展开合作研究,如清华大学的王建民教授、simon fraser university的jian pei教授(加拿大两院院士,曾任京东副总)、香港中文大学的jeffrey x. yu教授、university of queensland的xiaofang zhou教授以及indian university-purdue university的yuni xia教授等。主持了4项国家自然基金项目、多项省部级项目和校级项目。近年来在国际一流期刊和会议上发表论文多篇,如tkde、ijcai和dke等。如对我的研究工作感兴趣,可以联系我:
2007年-2009年,indiana university-purdue university, 博士后
2005年-2007年, 中国人民大学,信息学院,讲师
8、江苏省未来网络前瞻性研究项目:“基于sql on hadoop的实时查询分析研究”,项目负责人,2014.1-2015.12.
11、中国博士后科学基金项目:“信息系统中基于有限元的负载调度方法”。( 编号:023207002)项目负责人(结题)。
1.luyaowang, pengnian qi, xigang bao, chunlai zhou, 覃飙*,pseudo-label calibration semi-supervised multi-modal entity alignment,aaai 2024。(ccf a)
2. xigang bao, yuanmeng tian, luyaowang, zhiyuan zha, 覃飙*,contrastive pre-training with multi-level alignment for grounded multimodal named entity recognition, icmr 2024。(ccf b)
3.shouhui wang, 覃飙*,no need for large-scale search: exploring large language models in complex knowledge base question answering,coling 2024。 (ccf b)
4.shouhui wang, 覃飙*, a novel joint training model for knowledge base question answering, ieee/acm transactions on transactions on audio, speech, and language processing,vol.32, pp: 666-679, 2024。(ccf b)
5.zhiyuan zha, pengnian qi, xigang bao, mengyuan tian, 覃飙*, m3tqa: multi-view, multi-hop and multi-stage reasoning for temporal question answering, icassp 2024。(ccf b)
6.pengnian qi, 覃飙*,ssmi: semantic similarity and mutual information maximization based enhancement for chinese ner, aaai 2023。(ccf a)
7.xigang bao, mengyuan tian, zhiyuan zha, 覃飙*, mpmrc-mner: a unified mrc framework for multimodal named entity recognition based multimodal prompt, cikm 2023。(ccf b)
8.xigang bao, shouhui wang, pengnian qi, 覃飙*,wukong-cmner: a large-scale chinese multimodal ner dataset with images modality, dasfaa 2023。(ccf b)
9.qiyu li, 周春来*,覃飙,zhiqiang xu,local differential privacy for belief functions,aaai 2022。(ccf a)
10.覃飙,deying li, chunlai zhou, the resilience of conjunctive queries with inequalities, information sciences, 2022, vol.(613): 982-1002。(ccf b)
11.肖克晶,zhaopeng qian,覃飙*, a graphical decomposition and similarity measurement approach for topic detection from online news,information sciences,2021,vol.(570):262-277。(ccf b)
12.包希港,周春来,肖克晶,覃飙*,视觉问答研究综述,软件学报,2021, vol.32(8): 2522-2544。(ccf a中文期刊)
13.王守会,覃飙*,基于集成学习和反馈策略的贝叶斯网络结构学习,计算机学报,2021,vol.44(6): 1051-1063。(ccf a中文期刊)
14.王大伟,cui wanqiu, 覃飙*,ck-modes clustering algorithm based on node cohesion in labeled property grap,journal of computer science and technology,2019,vol.34(5): 1152-1166。(ccf b)
15. chunlai zhou, biao qin*, xiaoyong du,a savage-style utility theory for belief functions. ijcai 2018: 5135-5141. (ccf a)
16. chunlai zhou, biao qin, xiaoyong du, plato’s cave in the dempster-shafer land: the link between pignistic and plausibility transformations, ijcai 2017. (ccf a)
17.biao qin, jeffrey xu yu, efficient sensitivity analysis for inequality queries in probabilistic databases, ieee trans. knowl. data eng. 29(1): 86-99 (2017). (ccf a)
18. biao qin, differential semantics of intervention in bayesian networks, international joint conferences on artificial intelligence (ijcai), buenos aires, argentina, 2015. (ccf a)
19. biao qin, shan wang, xiaofang zhou, xiaoyong du, responsibility analysis for lineagesof conjunctive queries with inequalities, ieee trans. knowl. data eng. 26(6): 1532-1543 (2014) (ccf a)
1. ccf a类期刊《acm transactions on databases systems》
2. ccf a类会议《aaai》的pc member
3. ccf b类期刊《information sciences》
4. ccf b类期刊《knowledge and information systems》
5. ccf b类期刊《artificial intelligence in medicine》
6. ccf b类期刊《data & knowledge engineering》