陈跃国 -亚博888

博士(新加坡国立大学, 2009),教授,博士生导师,校杰出青年学者


2014, 2010 msra铸星计划访问学者
2017.7-2018.2 uiuc高级研究学者
2009至今 中国人民大学
--yuanzhe hao, xiongpai qin, yueguo chen, yaru li, xiaoguang sun, yu tao, xiao zhang and xiaoyong du. ts-benchmark: a benchmark for time series databases. icde\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'21 (accepted).
--金国栋、卞昊穹、陈跃国、杜小勇. hdfs存储系统优化技术研究. 软件学报. 31(1): 137-161 (2020)
--xueran han, jun chen, jiaheng lu, yueguo chen, xiaoyong du. pivote: revealing and visualizing the underlying entity structures for exploration. proc. vldb endow. 12(12): 1966-1969 (2019)
--jun chen, yueguo chen, xiangling zhang, xiaoyong du, ke wang, ji-rong wen: entity set expansion with semantic features of knowledge graphs. j. web sem. 52-53: 33-44 (2018)
--denghao ma, yueguo chen, xiaoyong du, yuanzhe hao: interpreting fine-grained categories from natural language queries of entity search. dasfaa 2018: 861-877
--denghao ma, yueguo chen, kevin chen-chuan chang, xiaoyong du, chuanfei xu, yi chang: leveraging fine-grained wikipedia categories for entity search. www 2018: 1623-1632
--haoqiong bian, youxian tao, guodong jin, yueguo chen, xiongpai qin, xiaoyong du: rainbow: adaptive layout optimization for wide tables. icde 2018: 1657-1660
--zhaoan dong, jiaheng lu, tok wang ling, ju fan, yueguo chen: using hybrid algorithmic-crowdsourcing methods for academic knowledge acquisition. cluster computing 20(4): 3629-3641 (2017)
--xiongpai qin, yueguo chen, jun chen, shuai li, jiesi liu, huijie zhang: the performance of sql-on-hadoop systems - an experimental study. bigdata congress 2017: 464-471
--xiangling zhang, yueguo chen, jun chen, xiaoyong du, ke wang, ji-rong wen: entity set expansion via knowledge graphs. sigir 2017: 1101-1104
--haoqiong bian, ying yan, wenbo tao, liang jeff chen, yueguo chen, xiaoyong du, thomas moscibroda: wide table layout optimization based on column ordering and duplication. sigmod conference 2017: 299-314
--denghao ma, yueguo chen, jun chen, xiaoyong du, xiangliang zhang. esearch: incorporating text corpus and structured knowledge for open domain entity search. www (companion volume) 2017: 253-256
--张香玲,陈跃国,毛文祥,荣崔田,杜小勇. 基于图模型的实体类型补全方法. 计算机学报. 40(10): 2352-2366 (2017)
--jun chen, giulio jacucci, yueguo chen, tuukka ruotsalo: seed: entity oriented information search and exploration. iui companion 2017:137-140
--张香玲,陈跃国,马登豪,陈峻,杜小勇. 实体搜索综述. 软件学报. 28(6): 1-22 (2017)
--jun chen, yueguo chen, xiaoyong du, xiangling zhang, xuan zhou. seed: a system for entity exploration and debugging in large-scale knowledge graphs. icde 2016: 1350-1353
--杜小勇, 陈峻, 陈跃国:大数据探索式搜索研究. 通信学报. 36(12): 77-88 (2015)
--chen liu, dongxiang zhang, yueguo chen: personalized knowledge visualization in twitter. er 2015: 409-423
--杜小勇, 陈跃国, 覃雄派: 大数据与olap系统. 大数据, 1(1) 5:1-13 (2015)
--yueguo chen, xiongpai qin, haoqiong bian, jun chen, zhaoan dong, xiaoyong du, yanjie gao, dehai liu, jiaheng lu, huijie zhang: a study of sql-on-hadoop systems. bpoe@asplos/vldb 2014: 154-166
--yueguo chen, lexi gao, shuming shi, xiaoyong du, ji-rong wen: improving context and category matching for entity search. aaai 2014: 16-22
--haoqiong bian, yueguo chen, xiaoyong du, xiaolu zhang: metkb: enriching rdf knowledge bases with web entity-attribute tables. cikm 2013: 2461-2464
--chuitian rong, wei lu, xiaoli wang, xiaoyong du, yueguo chen, anthony k. h. tung: efficient and scalable processing of string similarity join. ieee trans. knowl. data eng. 25(10): 2217-2230 (2013)
--杜方, 陈跃国, 杜小勇. rdf 数据查询处理技术. 软件学报, 2013(06):1222-1242
--jiajiu liu, zi huang, hong cheng, yueguo chen, heng tao shen, yanchun zhang. presenting diverse location views with real-time near-duplicate photo elimination. icde 2013: 505-516
--xiaolu zhang, yueguo chen, jinchuan chen, xiaoyong du, lei zou. mapping entity-attribute web tables to web-scale knowledge bases. dasfaa 2013: 108-122
--yu sun, jin huang, yueguo chen, rui zhang and xiaoyong du. location selection for utility maximization with capacity constraints. cikm 2012: 2154-2158
--yueguo chen, bin cui, xiaoyong du, anthony k. h. tung: efficient approximation of the maximal preference scores by lightweight cubic views. edbt 2012: 240-251
--yueguo chen, ke chen, mario a. nascrimento. effective and efficient shape-based pattern detection over streaming time series. ieee transactions on knowledge and data engineering, 24(2): 265-278 (2012)
--fang du, yueguo chen, xiaoyong du. partitioned index for efficient sqarql query processing of rdf data. dasfaa 2012: 141-155
--yueguo chen, wei wang, xiaoyong du, xiaofang zhou. continuously monitoring the correlations of massive discrete streams. cikm 2011: 1571-1576
--yueguo chen, gang chen, ke chen, beng chin ooi: efficient processing of warping time series join of motion capture data. icde 2009: 1048-1059
--yueguo chen, su chen, yu gu, mei hui, feng li, chen liu, liangxu liu, beng chin ooi, xiaoyan yang, dongxiang zhang, yuan zhou: marcopolo: a community system for sharing and integrating travel information on maps. edbt 2009: 1148-1151
--yueguo chen, shouxu jiang, beng chin ooi, anthony k. h. tung: querying complex spatio-temporal sequences in human motion databases. icde 2008: 90-99
--yueguo chen, mario a. nascimento, beng chin ooi, anthony k. h. tung: spade: on shape-based pattern detection in streaming time series. icde 2007: 786-795