李德英 -亚博888

李德英,女,博士,中国人民大学信息学院计算机科学与技术系教授,博士生导师。长期从事物联网和社会网络方面研究,先后在国内外期刊和国际会议上发表论文100多篇, 包括国际期刊如ieee tmc, ieee tc, ieee tpds, ieee ton, acm tkdd, www journal,ieee tetc, ieee tvt, tcs,jpdc, cn, cc 等。 2011-2018连续8年在顶级国际会议infocom发表论文, 主持和参加多项国家自然科学基金项目和重点项目。

电话 :62519223


1981.09-1985.07 华中师范大学数学系本科
1985.09-1988.07 华中师范大学数学系硕士
2000.11-2003.12 香港城市大学计算机科学系博士研究生
1998.12-2000.08 香港城市大学计算机科学系访问学者
2005.02-2005.09 香港理工大学博士后
1988.07-2004.03 华中师范大学数学系讲师、副教授
2004.04-2006.06 中国人民大学信息学院副教授
2006.06-至今 中国人民大学信息学院教授
1. 国家自然科学面上项目 “大规模社会网络信息处理优化技术研究” 项目负责人 2017-2020
2. 国家自然科学重点项目 “面向非常规突发事件主动感知与应急指挥的物联网技术与系统” 子项目负责人 2012-2014
3. 国家自然科学基金项目,“水下传感器网络设计关键技术研究”项目负责人 2011-2013
4. 国家自然科学基金项目,“组合优化在无线网络中的应用”项目负责人 2006-2009
5. 中国人民大学明德青年学者培育项目, “无线网络中的优化问题的研究”项目负责人 2010-2013
6. 教育部博导基金项目,“水下传感器网络监控覆盖及调度的关键技术研究” 项目负责人 2012-2013
1. ruidong yan, yi li, weili wu, deying li*, and yongcai wang: rumor blocking through online link deletion on social networks, acm tkdd, 2019
2. ruidong yan, yuqing zhu, deying li*, zilong ye: minimum cost seed set for threshold influence problem under competitive models, www journal, 2019
3. xuehan ye, shuo huang, yongcai wang, wenping chen, deying li:unsupervised localization by learning transition model. imwut 3(2): 65:1-65:23 (2019)
4. yi hong, deying li, qiang wu, hua xu: priority-oriented route network planning for evacuation in constrained space scenarios. j. optimization theory and applications 181(1): 279-297 (2019)
5. chuanwen luo, jiguo yu, deying li, honglong chen, yi hong, lina ni:
a novel distributed algorithm for constructing virtual backbones in wireless sensor networks. computer networks 146: 104-114 (2018)
6. yongcai wang, tianyuan sun, guoyao rao, deying li:formation tracking in sparse airborne networks. ieee journal on selected areas in communications 36(9): 2000-2014 (2018)
7. xuehan ye, yongcai wang, yuhe guo, wei hu, deying li: accurate and efficient indoor location by dynamic warping in sequence-type radio-map. imwut 2(1): 50:1-50:22 (2018)
8. tianyuan sun, yongcai wang, deying li, zhaoquan gu, jia xu: wcs: weighted component stitching for sparse network localization. ieee/acm trans. netw. 26(5): 2242-2253 (2018)
9. yuqing zhu, deying li*, ruidong yan, weili wu, yuanjun bi:
maximizing the influence and profit in social networks. ieee trans. comput. social systems 4(3): 54-64 (2017)
10.donghyun kim, lirong xue, deying li*, yuqing zhu, wei wang, alade o. tokuta:on theoretical trajectory planning of multiple drones to minimize latency in search-and-reconnaissance operations. ieee trans. mob. comput. 16(11): 3156-3166 (2017)
11.wei wang, bei liu, donghyun kim, deying li, jingyi wang, wei gao:
a new constant factor approximation to construct highly fault-tolerant connected dominating set in unit disk graph. ieee/acm trans. netw. 25(1): 18-28 (2017)
12. yuqing zhu, weili wu, deying li*: efficient client assignment for client-server systems. ieee trans. network and service management 13(4): 835-847 (2016)
13. bei liu, wei wang, donghyun kim, deying li, jingyi wang, alade o. tokuta, yaolin jiang: on approximating minimum 3-connected m-dominating set problem in unit disk graph. ieee/acm trans. netw. 24(5): 2690-2701 (2016)
14. yuqing zhu, weili wu, deying li*, ling ding: a double-auction-based mechanism to stimulate secondary users for cooperative sensing in cognitive radio networks. ieee trans. vehicular technology 64(8): 3770-3782 (2015)
15.deying li*, qinghua zhu, hongwei du, jianzhong li:an improved distributed data aggregation scheduling in wireless sensor networks. j. comb. optim. 27(2): 221-240 (2014)
16. huan ma, zaixin lu, deying li*, yuqing zhu, lidan fan, weili wu:mining hidden links in social networks to achieve equilibrium. theor. comput. sci. 556: 13-24 (2014)
17.yuqing zhu, deying li*, wen xu, weili wu, lidan fan, james willson: mutual-relationship-based community partitioning for social networks. ieee trans. emerging topics comput. 2(4): 436-447 (2014)
17. deying li, zewen liu, yi hong, wenping chen, huan ma:
minimum energy multicast/broadcast routing with reception cost in wireless sensor networks. theor. comput. sci. 497: 173-180 (2013)
18. david hongwei du, weili wu, qiang ye, deying li, wonjun lee, xuepeng xu: cds-based virtual backbone construction with guaranteed routing cost in wireless sensor networks. ieee trans. parallel distrib. syst. 24(4): 652-661 (2013)

1. yuqing zhu, deying li*: host profit maximization for competitive viral marketing in billion-scale networks. infocom 2018: 1160-1168
2. guangmo amo tong, weili wu, ling guo, deying li, cong liu, bin liu, ding-zhu du: an efficient randomized algorithm for rumor blocking in online social networks. infocom 2017: 1-9
3. yuqing zhu, deying li*, zhao zhang: minimum cost seed set for competitive social influence. infocom 2016: 1-9
4. wei wang, bei liu, donghyun kim, deying li, jingyi wang, and yaolin jiang:a better constant approximation of minimum 3-connected m-dominating set problem in unit disk graph using tutte decomposition. proceedings of the 34th ieee international conference on computer communications (infocom 2015), april 26-30, 2015, hong kong. (accept rate: 316/1,640 = 19.2%)
5. lirong xue, donghyun kim, yuqing zhu, deying li*, wei wang, and alade o. tokuta:multiple heterogeneous data ferry trajectory planning in wireless sensor networks. proceedings of the 33rd ieee international conference on computer communications (infocom 2014), april 27, 2014 - may 2, 2014, toronto, canada. (accept rate: 320/1645 = 19.4%)
6.yuqing zhu, yiwei jiang, weili wu, ling ding, ankur teredesai, deying li*, wonjun lee: minimizing makespan and total completion time in mapreduce-like systems. infocom 2014: 2166-2174.
7. yuqing zhu, weili wu, james willson, ling ding, lidong wu, deying li, wonjun lee:an approximation algorithm for client assignment in client/server systems. infocom 2014: 2777-2785
8. lidong wu, hongwei du, weili wu, deying li, jing lv, wonjun lee: approximations for minimum connected sensor cover. infocom 2013: 1187-1194
9. huan ma, meng yang, deying li*, yi hong, wenping chen: minimum camera barrier coverage in wireless camera sensor networks. infocom 2012: 217-225
10. changcun ma, deying li*, hongwei du, huan ma, yuexuan wang, wonjun lee: energy efficient broadcast in multiradio multichannel wireless networks. infocom 2012: 1907-1915
11. hongwei du, qiang ye, weili wu, wonjun lee, deying li, ding-zhu du, stephen howard: constant approximation for virtual backbone construction with guaranteed routing cost in wireless sensor networks. infocom 2011: 1737-1744
12. jiang wang, yuqing zhu, deying li*, wenping chen, yongcai wang:
joint user attributes and item category in factor models for rating prediction. dasfaa (1) 2016: 277-296
13. ling guo, deying li*, yuqing zhu, and donghyun kim: ptz camera scheduling for selected area coverage in visual sensor networks. proceedings of the 35th international conference on distributed computing systems (icdcs 2015), jun 29, 2015 - jul 2, 2015, columbus, ohio, usa. (accept rate: 70/543 = 12.89%)
14. yuqing zhu, zaixin lu, yuanjun bi, weili wu, yiwei jiang, deying li: influence and profit: two sides of the coin. icdm 2013: 1301-1306